Thursday, February 25, 2010

AN open letter post, AKA Sorry about your penis......

I think everyone that follows this blog is familiar with Mouse. If not, let me say I have never met her in person, but I've followed her blog for a bit, and within that context exchanged ideas and thoughts via the comments section and so on. I've also spoken via the WWW with her master, Omega. She seems a wonderful, submissive woman, he seems quite "real" and appears to have his head screwed on more-or-less straight, and for the most part both of them seem to be on the same wavelength as I am concerning relationships and how things should be done so I think I get them a little bit. Mouse' most recent post was about (And here I quote her)

" A man contacted me via email and offered his opinion on what a bad slave I am."

Now maybe this is because I have such an absolute and ironclad idea of what D/s should be (And SO is not), or maybe it's because this exact kind of thing has happened to my Ladies, or maybe I'm just a puffed up prick that doesn't understand REAL D/s. Who knows, but I feel like answering this guy.

Who in the fuck do you think you are? I know I'm taking a risk here, because I don't know anything about anything outside of Mouse' post on the topic, but I want to start with that basic question. I start there because of some basic presumptions that would have to be true for your actions to be in any way acceptable. I presume you did NOT contact Omega to ask why he allows Mouse to behave so, because if you had he would have explained things to you and you wouldn't have made such an ass of yourself. I presume you think you have enough understanding of Mouse' and Omega's relationship, not to mention a close enough personal relationship with Omega, to have a clear understanding of what Omega wants from Mouse as well as his leave to scold her on your own responsibility. I also presume you feel, and Omega agrees, that you have enough experience to be capable of instructing someone with the history and experience of Mouse. I presume that your actions do not in any way conflict with Omega's plans for Mouse and will not interfere with his achieving the goals he has for her. Of course it goes without saying that you are a personal friend of Omega's, and therefore understand perfectly what his end goal for Mouse is.

Actually, I don't presume any of that. In fact I believe you are just a limp dicked, wannabe, poser. A (So called) "man" that would treat a sub like that is the same kind of middle aged bozo that pulls up in a red sports car with a bought and paid for companion that put her collar on in the car and will be taking it off the same way this afternon. Thus the title of this post, because when I see guys like you that are so obviously compensating, I just want to say "Sorry about your penis" I can't help with that, but let me offer an alternative to your world view.

I have two Ladies. They would never hesitate to tell me when something I do irritates them. Most of the time, I even alter my actions for them. I have eliminated the word "Irk" from my vocabulary because one of the Ladies disliked that word. I have modified how I handle overseeing vehicle maintenance because one Lady was uncomfortable with my simply taking the car and modifying it or having work done to it without her direct involvement. This relates to her past and a need to be physically able to leave at any time. You have to respect how her experiences in the past make her feel right now, and you won't know that if she is afraid telling you will be a disappointment somehow. This Lady wants to know exactly when the oil is changed, when the tires are rotated, things like that. Now me? I don't want to do that stuff. But to be blunt, if I'm the boss that stuff is my JOB. Back when I called myself a dominant, I told the Ladies that submissives didn't have problems, submissives have dominants. Dominants have problems, and it's the dominants responsibility to see the problems are handled. I never cared for a minute that my Lady wanted to see to her own car care. I just never would have thought that was the case. Damned good thing she felt comfortable telling me, don't you think? Hell, if she wasn't so busy with her career, I'd assign her ALL the damned care for all the cars AND the motorcycles. Shoot, I'd put her in charge of everything right down to the lawn mowers and the weed whackers. I guess I'm just weak willed and that allows her to push me around.

Call me crazy, but I have been with one of my Ladies for over 20 years. That's right, two decades. And our partner? 9 years. I know, still just the Honeymoon, but we all have a good feeling that this will last. Just a hunch. And the crazy thing is, I believe that this success is a direct result of the fact that they are allowed to express their feelings, and I will listen. Now don't get me wrong, occasionally I just overrule them. And yes, they respect that and accede to my wishes (Usually)if I overrule them. But over all those years one thing has become extremely obvious. If they both think I'm making a mistake, I almost certainly am whether I can see it or not. I have on more than one occasion absolutely slammed on lifes brakes because they said I should. I have learned about myself, become a better person, and found new interests all because one or both of the Ladies said she wasn't happy with some choice of mine and offered an alternative. YOU mister "My slave wouldn't even THINK such a thing" are missing an awful lot. Since your "slave" would never tell you when you're being an ass, allow me point a few things out.

I don't know who you think you are, but you aren't him. First off, I don't need you undercutting my Ladies self confidence with your posturing and blabbering. I've had guys like you undo months of confidence-building work by planting the seeds of doubt in her mind. I don't coddle them. Believe me, I don't pull my punches, even the figurative ones. If she wasn't up to par, I'd say so. My Ladies don't need to have even one percent of their brain worried about what you said or trying to reconcile that opinion with what I taught them. Unfortunately, any submissive person is vulnerable to criticism, even moronic criticism. What you need to get through your skull is, they are mine. If you feel they are dressed inappropriately, acting inappropriately, or thinking inappropriately you need to remember one thing. I could not possibly care less about your opinions but I will care if you express those opinions inappropriately. If you feel slighted or offended in some way by the Ladies, you take that up with me and you do it at your own risk. I won't be coddling you either, and you're likely going to be told to get lost. But let me be very clear, if you do take it up with them you will find I've taught them exactly where the respect line is. They won't cross it, but it goes both ways. If YOU cross over it by disrespecting them the way you did Mouse, you're liable to get your ass handed to you. When that happens, do not expect me to make it all better by taking your side. The fact that you call yourself a dominant doesn't make you one, or entitle you to the respect you could earn if you managed to act like one. Not from them and certainly not from me. You are free to chat with them as you wish if they agree, but you do not directly criticize them AT ALL. Because the fact is, they choose to be with me, they don't have to be. They can leave anytime they want, and I have arranged things so that they have the income and property to be capable of doing just that. Each of them is capable of being wholly independent and self-sufficient immediately. They stay because I have a code I live by that they respect and admire, and part of that code says that as long as they wear my collar I'm responsible for them. They understand what guys like you don't seem to grasp. So long as they wear that collar I might say things they feel are critical or even insulting to them, but damned sure nobody else will.


mouse said...

Thank you MC, Sir. I think I've said it before, your ladies are soooo lucky. You understand the meaning of the word Man, Dominant....friend.

Thank you again...

Hugs to you all,

Jz said...

OMG, I may have to propose marriage to you, yet!

I cannot possibly pick a favorite line out of this whole thing - there are too many.

I'm gonna buy more pom-poms, Just For You!

greengirl said...

There are people in all realms who live such narrow an ignorant lives as this guy, and people everywhere who see the real world and how to get more from it.So ye a- your ladies are very lucky, as are you I would imagine you would say, but part of that luck you made for yourselves by taking the high road.

mamacrow said...

delurking briefly to say - wow! Your ladies are very lucky to have found you, and you are awesome :)

MagnusCattus said...

Thanks to all who commented. For everyone but Pepino, yes, from my pont of view I'm the lucky one. Which might in fact be the secret to our success. Again, thanks for all the kind words.

Pepino, I appreciate your concern, however I was fortunate enough to have had an aquaintance whose submissive was a professional massage therapist. She kindly spent a few hours teaching my ladies the basic techniques involved for full body massage. I now follow a detailed relaxation and skin-care regimen which involves specialized massage techniques using essential oils. Please rest assured my penis is in good hands.