Just wanted to share the wit of one of my Ladies. She's reading some bodice-ripper romance novel, and in that novel there is a description which she shared with me of a gentlemen interesting to our ladyfaire main character. I will relate the conversation as it went.
She, reading aloud: "She thought, too, of his tall athletic figure, his strong jaw and cleft chin, his chocolate brown eyes".
Me, wretching slightly: "Stop it, or I'll send you out to make dinner right now and not let you finish that chapter! I suppose this fellow has a pecker that thumps him solidly in the chest as it rises!"
She, all deadpan and innocent: "Where did you suppose the cleft in his chin comes from?"
I just love her!!
Hahaa! That's GREAT!
Did you let her finish the chapter?
LOL... good one!
Yes Missy, but I still didn't let her read it out loud.
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