Last night I read Greengirls latest post. In case you haven't read it, it's here: In sum it basically discusses how she feels about never fitting in even as a kid, and how that affects her sometimes. I had a really strong reaction to the comments that had been offered by the time I read the post. I was a bit taken aback at the attitudes expressed in the comments, and that's what has motivated me to write this tonight. It’s important to remember that the views expressed here are mine and Greengirl will get them just as the rest of you do, when (And that’s IF) she even reads this blog. The views are mine, whatever you think of them. Please remember that. And Greengirl, I know I never asked but thanks for letting me crib your notes.
I thought I shared the pain of what GG was describing until I read the comments. But the comments seemed to me to just minimize the things that were described. The impact of them on a person. Advice saying just ignore the other folks and do what you do, just be yourself, just be happy. These types of statements fail to acknowledge the real struggle that living out of sync with the entire world can be. One doesn’t just CHOOSE to be fulfilled, one needs to be in an environment where they actually ARE fulfilled so they can feel it. My question is simply this; Where in all the great wide world are the other people like me? I want to meet other people like myself. When you leave the vanilla world for the world of misfits and edgeplayers, and you realize you don't fit into the misfits' world either, where do you go for companionship? Where do you go so you can NOT feel like the weird one, at least for a little while? Where can you go so that you can be truly comfortable "Being yourself" with absolutely no lingering feeling of a potential need for defensiveness? In these circumstances, where can you expect to truly be allowed to completely "Be yourself"? I don't know.
I’m an intelligent, articulate, fairly tolerant guy and I find that often people I meet come to like me. But I never seem to meet people that ARE like me. People that feel just what I feel and think just what I think. I enjoy meeting people with ideas that complement mine, but isn’t it possible that somehow, somewhere there are a few people whose ideas MIRROR mine? Again, I only speak for myself, but it occasionally feels like I’m the stranger in a strange land, unlike anyone else I will ever meet. Unable to make myself truly understood by the world at large because my ideas are just a little too foreign and just a little too different to ever be completely accepted. Different in subtle ways maybe, but so deeply different that there is no overcoming it. It’s like dealing with a constant case of culture shock. You are always a little on guard.
The comments seemed to either not understand that fact, or just not consider it. When I hear a group discussing “TTWD”, in my ears that rings a bit hollow because the closest thing to a “We” I find in the life is the group made up of my Ladies and I. I hear these kinds of statements and I think “Who’s this WE I keep hearing about? Where is this wonderful group?” Because it feels a lot like my Ladies and I are out here all alone, even among friends. And what that means is, it gets lonely. You don’t just ignore that and find joy and happiness in life. It leaves a hole that sometimes is noticeable. A hole I for one would like to fill, if only I could find what I need to do it.
So, GG, assuming I understood your post correctly let me say I understand how you feel. I enjoy my uniqueness and individuality, as I think you enjoy yours. But I sometimes long for the anonymity that can be found in being just another face in a very like-minded crowd, and the comfort of knowing I'm with a group of people among whom nothing I do or believe will be challenged, or questioned, or seem out of place or the least little bit shocking. A place where there is no unique aspect of my day-to-day life to steal attention from whatever topic I am discussing. I want to brag about my Ladies talents without the basic nature of our relationship becoming the center of attention, and I want everyone in the room to see their spectacular magnificence without any chance of our everyday lives being a distraction to it. Sometimes I feel the absence of the existence of such a place very keenly. When I do I know intellectually that it's a passing feeling and everything is really all right, but there really is no way to just shrug that feeling off. It's a terribly uncomfortable feeling and it can be very persistent.
When I attempt to discuss that feeling, or see someone else attempting to, and I then see several opinions that "What others think doesn't matter, just shake it off", my feelings of being different are actually increased, because once again, I seem to be the only one not in sync. Once again I'm the one that doesn't seem to fit in. Ironic, isn't it?