Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Captain's Personal Log; Stardate07282010

I think I've gained another smidgen of understanding into masochists, and therefore my Ladies as well. It's been a long day and I was tired when I got home. One Lady likes a fire in the pit out back, and I built her one even though it was late and had rained earlier. Wet wood isn't eager to burn, but I got it to do so. In the process I blistered and cut my hands a little. Lady 2 feels spoiled by virtue of having her coffee made in the morning. We have a machine that does it automatically. But tonight we are out of the usual bottled water, and I hate to use our tap stuff. So even though it was well after 11 and I get up early for work, off I went to the store. While there I noticed a guy looking at me, especially my hand. It was then I realized I was splitting wood and building the fire, then ran to the store, so I am dirty, smell like smoke, and this guy is staring at my hand because it's slowly dripping blood. It didn't really hurt, but it was bleeding. Intellectually I knew he was thinking I should be embarrassed. But the reality is I felt arrogant, cocky, even defiant. I felt like saying "Yes, my women are sitting in front of a crackling fire despite the earlier rain and the wet wood. They are enjoying that while yours is not because I bent a force of nature to my will for no other reason than I wanted it to be so. I will have coffee in the morning because I simply won't allow circumstances to decide otherwise for my Ladies. I wanted to tell this guy to his face that my Ladies were better off than whoever he happened to be with because I was stronger than him, and he couldn't have hacked it. I didn't of course, but it was really a powerful feeling. I don't plan on changing my life over this, but I think I get my partners better tonight than I did last night, and that's good.