Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year, I guess

So, a new year. I have to admit I'm having a hard time seeing the point. I'm not going to cry a river, and for several reasons I'm not really allowed to discuss a lot of things. But I must admit, lately I have had a really hard time remaining positive and seeing the potential in this new year. I've reached a point where I don't even see the point assuming I am successful with the things I want to do. It's after Christmas, the first of the year, fresh start and all that,and supposedly a joyful, hopeful time but I'm not feeling it. I'm realistic enough to understand I couldn't do it alone anyway, but I've come to the conclusion that if somehow I could actually grasp the world by it's shoulders and pull it's collective head from it's ass, the world would simply yelp in fear and shove it's head right back in. Everytime I overcome an obstacle it seems a bigger one is thrust before me. No good deed seems to go un-punished. I catch myself wondering why I bother.

My amazement, respect, and awe of my ladies has grown larger than ever. For nearly two years I have been in a virtual whirlwind of shit and razorblades, and the Ladies have stood resolutely by my side despite each paying a tremendous personal cost. Their loyalty, strength of character, and dedication can simply never be questioned by anyone. I will always be grateful for, and thankful to, each of them. Thank you, and thank God for you, my Ladies.


Jz said...

ugh. I hate those phases.
Seems like the more you fight them, the worse they get, too.
I'd say there's always tomorrow but you may need to focus farther down the line to see the light at the end.

Sending you positive thoughts...

mouse said...

I'm with Jz, and feel that same way too...way too often and ya if you did manage to pull the world out of it's collective ass, it would just yelp and head back in. I think it's just the nature of things....

It's just the older I get the tolerant I am to it.

Anyway sending hugs and vibes to you and your ladies,

greengirl said...

Sometimes the whole world can be too much, even our little corner of it can be overwhelming. Sometimes our worry needs to be limited to just our little corner and let the rest of the world do what it will. I hope things start to smooth our for all three of you.