Saturday, September 26, 2009

etiquette help requested

I've been browsing blogs, and seen a couple of things I'd like to post about myself. Is there an etiquette to that? Do I identify the original poster (As I would expect to do)? Or should I leave them ananymous so I don't appear to be addressing them directly (Occasionally I'll be disagreeing with someones opinions)? If I am motivated by a claimed sub to write my own post, do I discuss that with the dom first, or is it fair game when it's made public? I'm not usually concerned with political correctness but I do believe in common courtesy. If I offend someone I want it to be legitimate and intentional. ;)

Thanks for any advice.



Jz said...

Good question.
Until Miss Manners passes judgement on this, I just go by what I would like to see done if it were me. If I'm quoting the person, I link to the post, so anyone interested can read the whole thing. If I'm expanding on a topic, I cite them but no link. If it's a topic that's widely making the rounds, fair game.
For respectful disagreement, I'll say something like, "X said this but I'm not sure that's quite how I see it." [Then make nice by mentioning their fine tie... ;-) ]
If I'm ripping someone a new one, I usually keep it anonymous. That person is entitled to their opinion, even if I consider it boneheaded, so there's no need for public humiliation, tempting tho' it sometimes is.

Can't speak to the rest as that's not my particular brand of dynamic but I'll be interested to see the answer.

My 2¢...

Omega said...

I agree with what Jz wrote.

Anonymous said...

yes, thats the typical protocol when it comes to blogging. i usually default to the basic-
~ if its positive response: mention and link the blog
~ if its negative do not mention the blog
~ if its neutral then its a toss up.

but, Jz said it best.

MagnusCattus said...

Thanks to all of you. I appreciate your input.