Thursday, April 29, 2010

Actually this is typical of me...

I was reading along, posts and comments, when I saw this sentence. Now this post has nothing to do with that comment or that post. In fact this sentence isn't really critical to the meaning of the comment or related to the post that was being commented on. But occasionally I will be calmly trotting through my day, and I will see or hear something that might as well be highlighted and hanging in the air as if it is in a movie because it is so blatantly true, and to my way of thinking covers so many different areas and situations. Here's the sentence I saw...

"I know it's semantics, except it's somehow important."

Yes indeedy. If only more people would recognize that simple fact, and a whole lot more often.

Because this post isn't a comment on that comment or the post being commented on I have not identified the person originally making this statement. But if that person would like me to I certainly will. Thank you all, and goodnight.