Saturday, July 17, 2010

An Experiment...

My intentions for this blog have changed quite a bit since it's inception. Part of that has been talking to folks I know, and part has been reading the blogs I either don't know at all or know only virtually. I've gotten quite a bit out of the blogs that are near-daily diary's, and recently I was told both that I need to put myself first more often and that I should try putting things in writing as a means of "Venting" that would have little or no actual consequence. SO, immediately following this I'll be posting the first (And fair warning, possibly last) diary style post. In order to differentiate these from the more typical commentary post I've decided to steal a page from one of my favorite TV series (You have to guess which one) and label them "Captain's Personal Log" with a date. I thought of making a second blog, but life's too complicated as it is, so I decided to "Put myself first" and leave the task of sorting between them to the reader. On the upside it's one less blog for you guys to manage as well. Thanks for being out there.